Sunday, May 3, 2020

And Now We Know

 It has been raining a lot.  Buddy doesn't like rain.  All he wants to do is sleep when it rains, who can blame him.  He wasn't even into playing with one of his many toys (yes he is spoiled).

 Friday was not a good day.  Shortly after I sent our company billing out to one of our clients that client canceled due to the pandemic.  Who can blame them but we thought it was a company that can withstand this economic turmoil fairly well.  Apparently not.  We are going to be fine financially, yet another reason to have zero debt and own everything outright, but mentally it takes a toll.

That plus rain on both Friday and Saturday meant that we still needed to get out of the house and try and clear our minds.  We took a drive to our favorite summertime walking and kayaking place, Goose Spit.  One side is open ocean with gigantic waves, the other side a protected bay.  I thought this park was closed but it is a local regional park so still open, even when the Provincial parks are closed.  The kite surfers were out in force.

It was cold and windy but they were loving it.  There were also lots of people safely observing from their cars like us.  I was so happy to see this park open though, we can launch our kayaks and walk on the sandbars in the summer, even if everything else is closed.  There is a limited number of parking spots there, even so, it is never ever crowded at all, lots of space to enjoy nature.  Today though it was just cold.

 After watching the kite surfers we drove home.  There were 3 deer and I was having trouble opening my phone app so only ended up getting a shot of one of the three - while peeing.  This looks like a terrible shot but is actually quite a nature shot as female deer only squat to pee when in heat.  So apparently it is that season and now we know.
Today looks a tiny bit better.  We hope to spend some time outside gardening if the rain holds off.  Apparently our weather forecasts around the world aren't as accurate as they usually are as the forecasters usually have tons of data from commercial aircraft (not sure how) that play into predicting the weather.  Because of that I've started to disregard the forecast and do as I wish until it starts raining.

Hubby is making a pork roast for supper, he does enjoy cooking on the weekends.  I usually cook 6 days a week so am happy to have the day off, although we both do cleanup all the time.  Anyway, that's all I've got for today.  Stay safe everyone!


  1. So sorry about that client. I sure hope things will get better for everyone. I know it's such an uncertain time. I did not know this about female deer! I have learned something new today.

    1. Yes, I had to google it as we have so many deer and I just thought they peed like a horse (with legs a bit apart) so was wondering what was going on lol

  2. Well, I learned something about Maybe it will be warm soon where you are.

    1. Yes, the temperature is going up as we speak - and sunshine!!!

  3. Yeppers. All the more important to be 100 percent debt free. That's what Hubby and I are working on and I love it! Here's to debt-free!

    1. It took many years and lots of times where we lived a lot differently than others (even when my husband was a big manager we always made sure extra money went to the mortgage every single month). Once you pay that off you have so much more freedom. Good luck!

  4. Wow nice beach pictures, looks like a great place to go to forget about the pandemic for a while!

    1. Yes, it is normally a place we go to relax anyway and even better during this time. I am tired of watching tv and reading......

  5. Interestingly, the weather forecasts here in north western Texas have been bang on the last couple of weeks.

    1. Well I hope they are right about the next week because it is looking beautiful! Not as hot as Texas though

  6. We had pork roast yesterday, too!

    This sentence made me laugh: ".. ended up getting a shot of one of the three - while peeing." You or the deer? I know. I know.

    1. Lol, you're mind is like a steel trap...of an 8 year old boy. Hubby put an excellent basting on the pork roast. Garlic, mustard, brown sugar and pear jam (supposed to be apple juice but we had none so used what we had). It was excellent

  7. Apart from the client cancelling (boo!) there's a lot to smile about here, Buddy hiding from the rain, the peeing deer and your kite surfing action shots, you've captured those grey skies beautifully. Come back, sunshine. xxx

    1. You are so right, we have a good life. And Buddy is sweetness and light even when it is raining (although he is full of so much freaking energy on a sunny day, almost a different dog). Today it is sunny!!!

  8. Hey great shot of the deer. I now know something new. Always great to expand the mind. Too bad about that client. I have no idea when we can work again, just taking it one month at a time. Plus we have two outstanding invoices from last fall but I am not going to push them. Everyone is suffering. We are actually enjoying our down time. For the first time in 34 years I was surprised with French toast yesterday.

    1. Wow, your hubby is a big romantic too! We will be fine, it is just disheartening and for you guys likely things will get better soon as I can't see them preventing Colin from photography. So many places that have shut voluntarily are now reopening in some form, almost all of our restaurants are doing takeout now although I am not sure how well that will go. For any that were on the edge before I am sure that means failure.

  9. I'm sorry to hear about that client, but like you say, all the more reason to be grateful that you are debt free. And you are so lucky to live by the ocean - I always find the wind coming off the ocean to be so invigorating. Love it!

    1. Yes, we are so lucky to live by the ocean although it was designed that way. No matter where I live now, I need to be within a km or two of the ocean always. It gets in your blood

  10. Great nature shot. I always think of deer running and leaping so it was nice to see this one doing something else.

    Kite surfing looks very interesting.

    God bless.

    1. They usually are leaping lol, we have so many deer around here as they are protected and have been here for hundreds of years. We can only shoo them away from our yards - in hunting season they stay out of the mountains where hunters are ok to get them. I like them though, you really know you are in Comox when you see how many deer we have

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about the client. It must be so hard to keep things going, as the clients & income shifts without your control.

    1. Nothing is in anyone's control right now and companies who thought they'd be fine won't. They also let go some of their own staff that day, a tough time for all

  12. No one, like such a bad movie, isn't it? One day at a time forward I guess. Hugs back!
