Saturday, April 25, 2020


A few days ago Mom called me to say that the strawberry plant I gave her had several buds blooming - apparently so are mine!  I've also seen a few bees around so I am crossing fingers that it will be a good garden year.  All I've got in the ground so far are the peas (both the plants and the rest of the packet planted and coming up), the strawberries were separated and are doing well, chives are in bloom already, I must clip the blooms off and lop a chunk off to take to Moms as per her request.  Two large clumps of Russian garlic, planted last fall and doing well.  This fall I will plant more than that.  On Easter when we were cleaning up Mom's backyard patio I dug out some parsley as it was overtaking her flower bed and planted it in a pot where it has caught nicely.  I don't love parsley but hubby often uses it when he cooks so since it is free it's been added to the container garden menu.  

I managed to buy a new rosemary plant this week as the cutting I took from my friend's garden didn't take.  I need to plant that this weekend along with some flowers that I bought.  The tomato and cucumber plants growing inside are doing well and so is the cilantro.  I will wait another couple of weeks to put them in the ground as they need more mature roots before they can be planted.  I did see bigger plants at the nursery for both tomatoes and cucumbers but at $4 a pop I'd rather see how mine do on their own before resorting to buying nursery tomato and cucumber plants.

Buddy enjoying the sunshine.  Sometimes we have to stay inside even when it is nice outside because we are working.  If I leave him outside alone he barks too much so we do that in shorter stints.  He loves sunshine so often can be found soaking it up - even when inside.  This photo was taken before I groomed him but his hair grows so bloody fast.  Our dog groomer will likely open up in the coming weeks as there is talk of certain businesses reopening on a super slow "reopening of the economy" and different phases.  Good news, dentists are one of the first on the list.  I am hopeful I can finally get my tooth issue fixed - but again, I am not in pain so, for now, the abscess and partially done root canal is holding steady.  I cut my own hair this week a little shorter than I intended - I look a bit like I did in elementary school but at least my hair is not in my eyes now.  

We had a super busy work week - we even did a couple of proposals for old clients.  That will be the bulk of our business this year, working with existing and past clients.  We do have potentially one new client who've already said they want to work with us but due to Covid, that may end up being in the fall or even next year.  I am so glad our business has slowly graduated to almost all online.  Lots of sales trainers (that is what we do) were not there yet and doing mostly live training.   

Jammy day is still scheduled for tomorrow - I made a ham last night so Sunday night will feature leftover ham in some capacity but ultimately an easy to make meal.  Hubby is cooking tonight...pork chops and Greek potatoes and salad.  I am trying to keep lots of different ingredients on hand so it is easier for us to be creative with our meals.  This week's grocery order included a greek salad dressing and feta.  It is supposed to rain so jammy day will be made easier on my hubby by not allowing him to do much work, indoors or out.  I hope to read and watch movies.  Anything but home or business work.

Anyway, that's all I've got.  Have an "as best as you possibly can" weekend my friends.


  1. You're garden sounds wonderful! I really need to get a few things planted even if it will end up being a tiny garden. Also wonderful that your business can be done online!

    1. Hey, tiny gardens can save money too, also be a joy when things actually grow :)

  2. I need to get a strawberry plant or two. Jammy day sound like fun.

    1. Yes, I think we need more Jammy was mostly successful(hubby doesn't really get the concept but I loved it)

  3. I hope those clients come through for you. It's not easy being self-employed is it. And good luck keeping hubby from working - failing all else I understand an ankle chain might work!

    1. He was negotiating by 10 am to go mow the lawn...fortunately it rained so he couldn't do that

  4. We're finally getting some really nice weather and reading about your gardening efforts just adds to the itch to get out and dig in the dirt. I know I can't because we can still get frost into mid-May but it won't be long now. It's hard to believe it's the last week in April even though it seems like April was 500 days long.

    Enjoy your jammy day!

    1. Yes, this year will be 1000 days long lol. Our frosts are gone, rains now, a few things in the ground. Waiting on a few other items until it gets warmer but the peas are taking off!

  5. I hope you have a lovely pj day doing whatever suits your fancy. Tomorrow I have to plant a few things we bought last week but have been waiting for high winds and storms to pass before putting them in the ground.

    1. I watched movies and ate was a pretty great day! Ugh, storm season again, just what everyone needs

  6. Enjoy your pajama day! Buddy looks so relaxed. Congratulations on the first strawberry blossoms.

    1. Buddy is loving all this self isolation - he is growing needier by the minute though. The second I leave to go to the store or Mom's he waits by the door for my return (even though hubby's still home)

  7. I love seeing our cats lie in the sun like that... and their hair gets so hot so fast. I'm waiting for orthodontists to get back to work. My final braces across six bottom teeth were FINALLY supposed to be removed last month. I may still have braces when I'm 90.

    1. Hey, braces at 90 is a look you could carry! I've heard whispers of what dental offices will be like when they reopen, let's just say it will be a very long time until everything gets fixed in my house.

  8. Buddy is adorable with his woolly coat!
    Your growing seems to be coming on a treat, long may it continue.
    Hope you had a lovely lazy day. Loving the sound of your Greek potatoes!
    I'm delighted business is going so well for you. xxx

    1. Any business at this point is good. Thank goodness for Greek food - I love it and so does hubby. It seems the countries I love most are the types of food I love most

  9. Glad to hear the good things about both of your gardens. Friends passing have mentioned my daffodils bloomed and are now dying back. Other than that I don't know what else is happening. With all the dry weather earlier this month I'm guessing my plants in pots might not be doing well and it'll only get warmer and drier. The positive side? Pests might die out because not having their preferred foods available. We'll see. - Margy

    1. I hope things are ok with your float home, I am sure you have people looking out for it there for you. It must be a big change to have to spend Spring in the condo though

  10. Sun patches are something that our pups love too!

    1. They are pretty predictable lol. He sunbathes on our patio furniture too, just makes himself right at home

  11. Buddy looks happy in his little spot of sun! I am clipping Teddy twice a week. I don't take a lot off, but it does keep her hair at the right length for frequent bathing. Of course, she hates it -- and I am guessing Buddy doesn't love it a lot either. If only he knew how hard you work for him!

    1. Thank you for commenting that you clip Teddy twice a week, I am going to do a little bit of trimming every week, easier on all of us rather than trying to do too much in one shot. He won't let me get much off his legs but at least he doesn't look like chewbacca anymore

  12. Buddy looks very contented.

    God bless.

    1. He is...if everyone was as relaxed as he is. We could take lessons

  13. I hope you enjoyed your day off. Good for you for taking a jammie day. We have a few strawberry plant that came with the new garden plot. I just keep watering them and hope that they will produce.

    1. The day off was good, something I'll have to mandate once in a while here. Glad you got some strawberry plants, when the season is over you can put them in pots to overwinter. Mine did great this winter both in pots and in the ground and I had to give some away as didn't have enough room for all of them!

  14. I hope your strawberries grow in abundance! We had a really good year with our strawberry plants last year which was great so I hope they behave this year too! The raspberries were really good too.
    That's great that you managed to get a parsley cutting from your mum. My Parsley plant has grown back from last year which I am really pleased about- wasn't sure if it would!
    I'm not really sure what will happen here in terms of businesses opening again- I hope you manage to get your tooth sorted. My dentist appointment was due in January and I never got around to booking it so I hope to once open again.

    1. Yummy raspberries. I got some from my friend last year and made jam out of them and we enjoyed it right until last month when we ran out. The parsley is doing really well, something else for hubby to play at when he cooks (I do most of the cooking but when he does it has to be gourmet lol) I've heard scary things about what dentists will be like when they reopen so who knows what will happen but for now it is ok so that makes me happy. Thanks for stopping in!
