Wednesday, April 22, 2020

She Was Born For This

My friend that lost her Mom 2 weeks ago is doing ok.  She texted me that she had some eggs for me.  She only has five chickens and usually, they all lay one a day.  She has a long list of people wanting her eggs so when she has some for you - you jump.  I had a grocery order to pick up as well as a bank run to do for the company first.  When I got there she gave me a few springs of fresh asparagus (they are just coming up), some tarragon, and some thyme as well.  She even gave us 6 homemade sourdough English muffins and offered a chunk of her sourdough starter.  I didn't take her up on that yet - sourdough is a living thing that must be fed and baked off as it continues to grow after each feeding.  We don't eat that much bread - but you never know, that might be something I change my mind on.  

She has always had a huge garden - last year it was so out of control(she had 3 jobs and an AirBNB) we spent many hours helping her with it - but that was after the asparagus had already come and gone so this is the first year I have had a taste of just out of the garden asparagus.  Usually, most of ours in the stores comes from Mexico.  I have seen one sprig of wild asparagus near a beach several years ago here but none since.  There is not a lot but tonight I will use some butter, garlic, and mushrooms and make a side dish with it.  Mom got the other half of the dozen eggs.  I ordered more eggs on our grocery order but they couldn't fill it, apparently, they are all sold out of eggs.  I have seen eggs in other places however so I will not worry about it for now.  Her little egg business is all set up with a steady supply of buyers so she is actually thinking of getting 5 more chickens since she has space and hers are getting a little older and likely will slow down on the laying eggs soon as they do.  If she does get more chickens I might be able to buy all of our eggs there for both Mom and I  - that would be so much nicer.  Her chickens are super spoiled, all have names and are beautiful.  When you get eggs from chickens that have such a great life, the eggs seem to taste better. She now only has 2 jobs and her air BNB has fizzled so she has more time for self-sufficiency.  Next she wants bees but I don't think her piece of property is big enough and her neighbors might disagree.  

Spur of the moment I convinced Mom we needed to go for a long walk, yes all the while social distancing.  Around March 10th she decided she wasn't going out for anything except to get the mail and delivery her garbage to the dumpster in order to keep herself safe.  That is fine but she needs more exercise and has been feeling cabin-feverish of late.  We had a really nice walk although she is not used to social distancing so I had to make her go in front of me and Buddy and I walked the appropriate distance behind.  We went to the duck pond and enjoyed the scenery.  It was good and I am sure now that the weather is nice (except today, it is raining) she will agree to more of these walks.  She also asked me to make her a mask.  My third attempt looks much better than the first two, now hubby is demanding a new mask that doesn't look like a diaper lol.  Likely this weekend I will don my mask and she will don hers and I shall give her a haircut as she is badly needing one.  Her cable remote died so I likely will have to try and fix that for her as well.  I've kept out of her space but now that we both have masks I will help her inside as needed as this is not going to be over in a weeks time or even a month and we have to figure these things out on a longer-term basis.

This one only took an hour and I cut out another one for myself that I will make another day as ran out of time.  I need to find some more manly material as hubby doesn't want a flowery one.  I am pretty sure I have an old black dress shirt of his that he gave me for blackberry picking (long sleeves) that I can sacrifice to the cause.  Maybe this weekend.  

When you live with a type-A personality they tend to fill every day to the maximum, including your days off.  I lost it last night and said instead of doing loads of yard work this week I wanted a jammy day with zero work of any kind other than feeding ourselves.  He has agreed to Sunday(not sure he can actually do it though).  Everyone else is getting some downtime in these times, I need some too!  Hopefully, it will be raining which will make it much easier to keep him away from work.  This is the reason we book holidays away, he has no idea how to relax at home.

Anyway, I have a bunch of real company work to do today so best get at it.  Have a good day everyone.


  1. I laughed at the diaper mask remark from your husband. If I had chickens still, I suppose my eggs would be popular.

    1. Yes they would. Although I am running out of cash to give her, might have to go to the bank and request $50 worth of $5 bills :) I could do etransfer but they charge me $1.50 a shot

  2. I love days when I stay in my jams. That was me this past Saturday. I read and read and read and it was WONDERFUL. Very sorry she lost her mother. My heart goes to her.

    1. Yes, it was very sad and she is finding ways to cope with it being away from the rest of her family and not being able to fly across the country to go to her Dad - for his safety the family decided that it was best she stay here at home. It was unexpected and the whole family is coping as best as possible.

  3. I've never heard of a Type A personality but I think that's probably me!
    Your friend sounds such an interesting lady and very resourceful as well. My best friend was a beekeeper for years but got stung last year and went into anaphylactic shock and had to give them all away. The honey and the beeswax were amazing and she used to do well with sales.
    That mask is really pretty. Have you seen those pictures of people sticking sanitary towels to their faces? Maybe suggest he tries it! xxx

    1. Yeah, over his dead body would he use a sanitary towel lol - I've also seen people in China using the plastic packaging that fruit sometimes comes in with a string tied around their head. Use whatever you've got these days!

  4. I'm glad your friend has activities/work she enjoys while grieving. It doesn't make it easier, but is a mental health break and the physical activity no doubt helps her sleep a bit better. If we didn't have pup, I think I would succumb to days, even work days, where I don't get out of pajamas. I often just sleep in a t-shirt with pajamma pants, so in the morning might just throw a sweater over that quick, maybe brush my hair for a meeting. I really don't care how I look it seems, but I guess I don't expect others to see my unkept self so I try a bit for the camera!

    1. Ever since we started working for ourselves if it is a work day we both get up at the same time (although hubby showers first) and if he has a really early appointment I wait to shower after that but we both act like we have to leave the house. Weekends are another matter though. My hair is looking pretty funky now, I cut too much off yesterday but it will grow back!

  5. It sounds like your friend is managing well through the grief.

    Enjoy your pj day!

    1. She is. Her sister sent her a photo of houses in her dad's neighborhood. At least 5 had signs in the window with his name and that they were thinking of him. He was very happy about that.

  6. Lots of locals sell their eggs round here but since our markets are still closed down I can't get any. Plenty in the shops though. And good on you for getting your hub to at least agree (in principle) to a lazy day. You're obviously classier than me about what your mask looks like - since mine were off-white I think I described them as 1960s sanitary towels!

    1. Yeah it was weird, that is the first time I have had eggs missing from the order. Lol I used an old tshirt so the original masks are close to sanitary napkins too!

  7. It sounds like your friend has a great setup to help herself & others right now. That is awesome! While I don't think we will realistically achieve any true level of self sufficiency with our schedules, I do want to increase it a bit to feel better. (A larger garden, etc.)

    1. I as well - growing more this year as will be around all summer to take care of it. If we go anywhere it will be November 30th but I am highly doubtful if that Mexico trip is going to happen, not even considering getting my hopes up

  8. When my daughter worked at the library, she used to bring home fresh eggs from a wonderful coworker she had there. They were wonderful and so much tastier than store bought. We were instructed not to refrigerate them, which was hard for me because I had to leave them out on the kitchen counter until they were all used up. (I hate stuff left out). That lady recently passed away. So sad. I'm not a type A personality, but I do feel massively guilty if I'm not being productive. I told hubby I needed a big job to keep me busy so I spent an entire day digging out back for a 9 X 12 patio. Haha!

    1. I am so not a type A personality - if we have a day off I usually have to carve out alone time for me to relax as hubby usually has an agenda that involves both of us. Well done on the yard, I hope you are not too sore!

  9. So glad you were able to get your mother out for a walk with you (well, at least not FAR from you). Wish we could do the same here (healthy walks), but that day will come. Stay well. And relax a bit!

    1. I just heard they are letting kids go for walks with an adult from the same household, that must be a lifesaver for families there. Maybe they will loosen things up for you as well soon!

    2. They haven't yet clarified how the outings with kids will work. We'll know in a couple of days when the next phase of lockdown begins. Anything that gets the kids out for a bit I'm sure will help parents. I am in awe of those successfully entertaining their kids and staying sane through all this, especially those without private backyards. Hoping for some good surprises in two days, but not expecting anything really.

  10. Happy tp hear that your friend is doing better. Great that your Mom got out for a walk. If you do that every nice day it will do you both the work of good. Being together but not. I just read on a blog post today that they have friends over on a regular basis but that they sit as far apart as possible. No masks and no gloves. Enough said. This morning I ended takeing 3 -4 hours off to just sit and read on the laptop. Colin wanted to clean so I let him.

    1. I wouldn't have friends over - backyards are good enough. My friend and I are super careful when in each other's presence. The eggs are placed on the ground then I go fetch them. Better to be overly safe! If things loosen up though I can see helping her more with her garden again, this is the year!

  11. Those masks get quicker as you get used to sewing them. Glad you got to take your Mom for a walk.

    God bless.

    1. They do! I am even thinking about further modifications that will work better with the toy sewing machine I have lol. Take care and stay safe

  12. OOh, how lovely to get fresh eggs! And Asparagus too! We were really happy to buy fresh asparagus two weeks ago. There's a place with an honesty cart in the next village and we were out cycling and came across it. We only had a £10 note and so we got 3 large bundles that were £3 each and left them an extra pound for next time we go and stuck them in our cycling jersey pockets- it was a funny sight!

    I'm glad you managed to get your mum out. My mum was feeling down and we realised she hadn't been out for exercise. She felt much better when she walked down to the seafront!
