Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Comfort food

There is a lot of comfort food happening these days since we are eating at home all the time.  This was Sunday - banana coconut pineapple muffins.  I used up 3 old bananas and part of a bag of shredded coconut that was due to be used.  Just fyi if you find a great deal on pineapple it can be easily cut up and frozen - this pineapple had been purchased in the fall.  The fish wine stopper I bought (new old stock) at the end of January in the thrift store is getting used a lot lately (see post here).

The Facebook 24 bidding site has now reopened, although I am not in any rush to use it yet.  I will wait a few weeks as feel that people are being overly optimistic here - I guess we shall wait and see.  

Hubby is going through a rebellious stage in terms of lockdown.  He "spur of the moment" went to to grocery store this week - without his mask.  Needless to say we had words, he just is having a hard time coping with the fact that we have to be so careful, not just for his sake but mine and Mom's as well.  I did break down and we did takeout one night - I think I would rather think ahead about it and order from one of our favorite restaurants next time instead of fast food.  We are living on reduced salaries though so that will have to wait for a few weeks.  Maybe once a month, we shall see.  Initially, we weren't going to do any takeout but long-term I am not sure that is sustainable when lots of takeout is available and there have been zero reports of virus transference that way.  

I spent a lot of time grooming Buddy this weekend.  He wasn't that patient with me - but I got a good amount of his hair off without him looking too weird.  No pictures but the electric trimmers got the job done and even when our groomer reopens now when he gets a bit shaggy before the next trim I can take a little hair off.  The only place I can groom him without killing my back is our bed so I put a king-size sheet down with him on top then have a big vacuum as soon as it is done.  I spread the groom over 2 days - still need to get more off his legs but he doesn't want that to happen so they might just remain shaggy.  All of our hairdressers, dog groomers, dentists, chiropractors etc. just got a whole lot more important, didn't they?  My hairdresser is immune-compromised already, I can't see her returning to work even if things open up.  Whenever that happens I might have to go somewhere else.  

Today I have to go pick up our groceries.  I didn't realize the order cut off 48 hours out so had to put a second order for Friday pickup for Moms groceries as hadn't gotten her complete list yet.  Oh well, I won't let that happen again.  There is zero contact except for the guy who loads the groceries into the trunk so pretty safe.  

A few weeks ago I was stress cleaning...that is mostly over now.  I am ok with dust bunnies (and people/dog hair).  I also had lost several pounds from lack of appetite but that seems to be back now along with a pound or two.  I still haven't been able to get into reading but am not worrying about it.

Life continues on, albeit in a weirder way.  


  1. I can relate to much of this. I also lost weight, but my appetite is definitely back now. And yes, I so get the rebellion phase. Haven't done anything about it, but just get those urges to leave my house for no reason & wander aimlessly around a store. ;-)

    1. Yeah, the drop in my weight is temporary, I am pretty sure as it seems now I am making/buying more treats to keep us happy. Yes, the rebellion will hit many soon. I get out of the house more as go to Moms and sit in the yard when she has showers/go do the grocery pick up/deposit company cheques. Even though the exposure is extremely minimal on all of those I am getting out of the house while he is stuck on the computer zooming our meetings (the norm pre-covid but he used to go to the gym/hardware store/wash the vehicles regularly just to get out of the house)

  2. They're strange times aren't they. Some people are up, some are down and we're all dealing with it as best we can. I had a down period over the weekend but seem to be on the way back up now. I guess it's just cyclical. Hope your hubbie appreciated those cakes though. They look delicious.

    1. I think we all have down days - it's natural and as you say cyclical. The muffins are almost gone (one and half left lol)

  3. Those muffins look and sound delicious! Oh, for surplus bananas!
    I admire your resolve by not finishing your wine in one go, you've obviously still got a handle on things.
    Glad you've mastered the art of the Buddy haircut! xxx

    1. I am not a big drinker, my body can't handle it, gets a headache so I can have exactly 1.5 - 2 maximum glasses so yes, the bottle stoppers get some work. Poor Buddy, he was just glad yesterday was a non-grooming day. He is fed up with the grooming.

  4. Mine is hubs going into an empty store-every day, to not sell anything. He could do paperwork at home, or at least cut the time out of the house, though the other day someone mentioned they saw him out and about on the lot talking with someone. They brought it up because they thought the dealership was closed.

    1. Weird about the dealerships still being open but they are here too - the car companies seem to be doling out the deals too, 6 months without payments or interest. Just about trying to give cars away.

  5. I baked cookies today! I sure do with I had a regular grooming table. I sit on the floor, use a little stool, etc. but still manage to be uncomfortable. Teddy isn't all that cooperative either!

    I've finally got TBG wearing a mask but he needs to be convinced to clean it between uses. I mean, duh!

    1. Grooming a bigger dog would be so difficult! At least Teddy is now used to you doing it, Buddy was not into it and will probably run back into the arms of our groomers given the chance :)

  6. Your muffins look so good!
    I am tired and tired of being so careful (especially because of Mom) and tired of TheHub being what I call cavalier. He never wears a mask and gripes because make him take his shoes off so I can lysol the soles. Too bad cause I am not letting up on it.

    1. Cavalier is the word! Yes, hubby was not thinking of all the effects....but after I lost it I think he gets it now. I have to be so bloody careful and he could jeopardize that by going to the store spur of the moment without his mask. I am going to make him a better more manly mask though, that might up the chances of him actually using it.

  7. As long as I can get outside to walk I'm pretty much OK. Sometimes the walk actually has a purpose, such as today when I went to Walgreens to get an anniversary card. Sometimes it's just for the exercise.

    1. We have a nearby grocery store but if I take Buddy I am not leaving him outside unless someone else is with me so usually I bypass it. Maybe I can get Mom to stay outside with him next time. Fresh air is wonderful and our neighborhood is filled with flowers and ducks, you really can't get a nicer area to live in (except if we were right beside the ocean but it is only a mile away)

  8. I had rebellion here, too. I put an end to that with a little come-to-jesus-meeting.

    1. Ah but there will be more rebellion, I think men have a harder time dealing with restrictions than women do sometimes

  9. I gained a pound back, but my appetite seems to have disappeared again. I hope that being outside gets everything back to normal again.

    God bless.

    1. I hope you are getting a break on the weather, finally it seems Alberta is so maybe that warm weather is headed your way (was 19 degrees there yesterday)

  10. I wonder how long it would take for those muffins to reach here. I love unusual bottle stoppers and have to refrain from buying them since we never have wine in the house.

    1. Probably 6 months with all the border closures, 2 months normally lol. I have a case and a half of wine and can only drink max 1.5-2 per day (low tolerance, get headaches) so the stoppers come in handy

  11. Ok, I wish this had caused me to lose weight...I'm an emotional eater so while I haven't gained I'm struggled to maintain.

    For some reason many men don't seem to take this as seriously as women. Not sure why especially since early reports indicated men were more frequently impacted than women.

    Take care and stay well!

    1. Yes, men seem to be struggling more. I realized the seriousness of everything much sooner than he did. When I lose it usually he listens as I don't do it very often, hopefully I won't need to do that again :) You too!

  12. I'm reading your posts from most current to oldest and I had just commented on my reading day. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were struggling with that. Glad the stress cleaning as cleared up. No pun intended. Happy Earth Day!

    1. No worries! I have lots of lovely books ready when I can get back into it. I've been trying to read a few pages a day just to get back into it. I read 24 in 2018 and 30 in 2019...only 4 so far this year but maybe that will pick up. I do enjoy reading so am sure this is only temporary

  13. Sorry that you are having such a time of it. Wish I could lose my appetite. The muffins look great.
