Monday, January 27, 2020

I'm SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder

So this is the first winter here that has really gotten to me.  We've had snow and more rain than in many other years, almost twice as much.  Our Mexico holiday got delayed (due to lack of dog care) until the end of March when initially we were scheduled to leave this coming Thursday.  Yes, I've got the winter blues.

Almost every day the rain pounds away on the roof. I am sound sensitive so hear it - hubby rarely does. On Friday I got really sad/upset at the partially torn apart state of our house so for 2 hours put it back together, put away all the painting paraphernalia, cleaned it then after a brief sunshiney respite (first sign of sun in 10 days) took Buddy for a long walk with Hubby and I.  It was better - momentarily. 

For the first time after moving here in 2012 I am having a hard time with it.  The first years were spent basking in the glow of warm weather and green after having spent so many 30 below winters in Alberta.  Now that we've settled in to the norm of it, it is getting to me. 

We have a SAD light which I've never had to use until now, it affects hubby more than it does me.   I am going to start using it this week.  I also managed to dodge rainstorms this weekend to take Buddy for walks Friday Saturday and Sunday.  Those are good for me so even if I have to don a raincoat (Buddy has one too) I am going to try for a walk every day, even if it is super short. 

The upside is - I have a lovely sunshine filled holiday to look foward to, even if it is 59 days away (my airline app tells me this). 

Do you suffer from SAD?  What helps?


  1. Hi,

    I have been dealing with SAD most of my adult life. When I see dark grey days ahead, on the weather app, I try my best to stay positive and I turn on lights in the house. Most our lights are LED so they don't consume much energy. Then I choose sunshiny tv shows to watch, like people shopping for houses in warm climates. Definitely plan a few weeks away in January or February. It breaks up the monotony of winter… Have a glass of wine!

    1. I imagine Langley was similar weather to Duncan. I was conserving energy by not turning on the light but I am tired of sitting in the dark so electricity be damned, I'm turning on more lights.....we've switched out to LEDs too :)

  2. This is our third winter here in the Cowichan Valley and it is not so nice. Peter suffers very much from the grey days so I am interested in what others have to say. EVen I feel it too. Cheers.

    1. It does get to a person. We talk more and more about spending several weeks, or even a couple of months in Mexico in future years. Unfortunately that isn't possible now with our business and helping care for my Mom who lives on her own but is pretty dependent on me for groceries/car travel/help with showers.

  3. First year of SAD for me too. I don't have a lamp and must get one. I walk every day if possible and yesterday spent a little time outside pottering in the garden. I've recently discovered reading something laugh out loud funny first thing, before getting out of bed even, gives me an emotional boost lasting several hours. For me about ten minutes seems to be the sweet spot. I'm reading David Sedaris "Calypso" at the moment. I'm rooting for you.

    1. I'm going to look for that book! Just started the SAD light thing so not sure if it will work. Hubby also tans once in a while but I really don't want to do that myself. He thinks it helps.

  4. If the weather is bad for a long time, I may complain about that but, I do not think it has a significant effect on me. Exercising and watching something fun may work I guess. Hope the weather clears up and you start feeling better soon.

    1. The good news is we are getting more sunlight this time of year, at least an hour more than at Christmas per day which makes a huge difference.

  5. I haven't been affected by SAD but my daughter definitely does. I bought her a lamp last year, but silly girl only turns it on in the evenings.

    I do get cabin fever, when the weather keeps me cooped up indoors. But I agree with other comments, that getting out for some fresh air, even if it's wet, is a good idea.

    Too, I think that interaction with other people is a good idea. With me, I get into a negative cycle of thinking, but if I spend time with others I feel better. (And it gets me out of the house.)

    1. I think SAD is half cabin fever, half depression. I feel antsy (but some of that could be my fibro acting up too). Getting out of the house helps me too

  6. I don't get SAD at all. I decided a long time ago that winter in Canada is not suitable for human habitation. When there are soooo many places that you can choose to live in the world, why would you choose a place without a steady supply of sunshine...?

    1. You are very right. We are kind of tied to Canada based on our business and senior Mom who needs help now but down the road Mexico will be our part time home

  7. It was hard for me when we lived in Seattle. It's much less of a problem here, of course.I do try to exercise, even when the weather is bad (we joined a gym, I work out at home, etc). It improves my mood so much, even if it's not outside.

    1. Yeah, I think I need to get back into walking 10,000 steps a day. I had so much more energy then.

  8. I thought moving south would cure my SAD, but it gets cold and gloomy here too. My advice would be to move to Hawaii. lol

  9. So sorry. I do experience SAD... even in Mediterranean climes. But since I live with clinical depression, it’s mostly not easy to tell the difference. Those lamps I’m told are helpful. Getting out and moving, even in the gloom usually helps. And then there’s chocolate!

    1. I love chocolate - so yes, that shall be my next prescription!

  10. When we were stationed at Comox (twice), I was very much affected by the weather. Partly it was that we were living further north than I was used to (Ontario) and partly the gloomy, rainy days and lack of sunshine. Exercise and trying to do things outdoors helped. Now we are back in Ontario - maybe colder, but the sun does shine!

    1. Other years we've had more sunshine than this winter, this is a particularly wet one. Fortunately it shall pass and by May we shall be basking in nice weather gain!

  11. I used to get SAD years ago but no longer - and I've no idea why! One thing I do find that helps is just to walk or work in the garden - I'm VERY happy gardening in the rain or the cold - and it really helps. Last night, after 24 hours of rain, I was making dinner and put The Gypsy Kings on - I was bouncing around the room to "Inspiration" and "Bamboleo". I defy anyone to be sad with that music on. And when I was going through the worst of it with my ex, he had just had a screaming/threatening fit at me and stormed off out the house (I knew I would be in for more when he came back)! Thankfully my kids were out but even though I'm very strong I just couldn't take it anymore and I was sitting on the sofa sobbing. So I went on Youtube and started watching episodes of Mock the Week and Would I Lie to You and an hour later my jaw hurt through so much laughing. I still, seriously, swear that they saved my life!

    1. Our garden is under many inches of rain - but the walks sure do help. I shall try the music therapy, haven't tried that. And tonight I shall see if I can access episodes of Mock the Week and Would I Lie to you :) Thanks for the tip!

  12. Hang in there and eat chocolate....that's my medical plan. lolz

  13. Replies
    1. A prescription that has been keeping people happy for years!

  14. You know I'm listening to you! Hope this comment posts. I saw on my blog you got out with Buddy in the sun. Simple joys.

    1. Yes, you have to take whatever joy you can this time of year :)

  15. This is such an important post Cheapchick as SAD, affects most folk I know. I've seen reports of all the rain you've had We're still in sunny, cold northern Alberta but we have to keep busy with creative endeavors (not necessarily artsy)...I hybridize roses (you should see my basement this time of year) and my wife cooks up many ethnic wonderful dishes which requires alot of research. We're retired and usually are OK until the end of March before we get the travel urge. We also walk at least an hour/day. And we have a pug with SAD!
