Friday, January 31, 2020

A Trip To The Thrift Store

Thank you for all your kind comments and suggestions on my last blog.  I know I am not the only one suffering and there were some great ideas like laugh therapy, walks, and music.  The day after that post the sun came out for 2 beautiful hours in the afternoon and instead of working Hubby and I took the dog for a long walk.  All 3 of us needed it.  Then that same afternoon I went to the thrift store and got a fix - all for $14.40.  A pair of capri pants, a nice t-shirt, a pair of earrings (not shown), a black tank top (not shown as in washing machine) and the 2 brand new wine stoppers (.25 cents each!).  I do love thrift store shopping, it's my jam.  I now own a far better wardrobe than I did before I discovered thrift store shopping and I never have to say "I can't afford that!"

owl and fish wine stopper

All of last year I only bought a couple of things brand new in terms of wardrobe.  Socks, bras, a pair of shoes and one pair of pants that I love, same brand as one I found at the thrift store.  In looking at my closet there are just a handful of items that were purchased new, some with gift certificates from the kids, one shirt I bought in Portugal as a souvenir, and a couple of things from over 10 years ago.

Can you tell I like pattern?

Hubby remarked that this week's finds all looked brand new - in fact most of the time the items I find have only been worn once if at all.  If it's not in nearly perfect condition I leave it there.

So, I am adding one thing to the SAD remedy list - shopping at the thrift store!


  1. Oh, I could use some shopping if it will fix SAD.

    1. Thrift store shopping always makes me happy even when I don't find anything

  2. You found some lovely things while thrift shopping. Good for you.

    God bless.

  3. Great stuff. I have never found anything in a thrift store. I thought it was because it was easier for women. But I’ve got a friend here who finds the coolest, gear quality clothes. Maybe it’s because I’m not under 40 and built (like him) like a Greek god.

    1. If I was under 40 and built like a skinny minny I would find way more stuff, but if you search hard enough even you could find things, but you do have to like it.

  4. Actually shopping does release endorphins so it would seem reasonable that this would be a remedy. And since it's thrifty shopping there is no buyer's regret!

  5. Some people really can get lucky with thrift store shopping. Not me - boobs too big sadly and I can never find the size!

    1. Mine were reduced in size about 12 years ago so I have had a much easier time since, thank goodness!

  6. I'm having commenting issues too. No luck for me clothing wise, but found a replacement for my warped Tupperware steamer. Not a steal, but for $4 much less than retail.

    1. I love finding things I've been looking for there, great find!

  7. you got some nice bargains there. It can be a nice outing to poke around in the thrift stores, even if you don't buy. Maybe have a small thrift store budget so it's a bit of a treat. I don't get SAD but I do find myself more easily depressed in winter, particularly when I can't get out and walk.I hope the SAD light helps.

    1. The SAD light does help but walks help the most.

  8. I buy better quality at the thrift store than I would EVER buy retail.

  9. Getting out for a walk is the best thing. I don't like shopping but do love a charity shop or thrifting as you say.

    1. I hate regular retain shopping but love thrifting!

  10. There must be a gene for enjoying thrift stores - I certainly have it!

  11. We live parallel lives! Thrifting is therapy for me too. I'm doing well sticking to only 99 cent items. It is an extra boost to not only find something at the thrift, but to find it at a rock-bottom price.
