Sunday, April 12, 2020

Bloom Once

I don't have a green thumb, but like growing things.  A few years ago Mom bought me two air plants for my birthday (I asked for them).  They are thriving.  I bought the glass bowl for .50 at the thrift store long ago and filled it with local shells.  The big air plant lives in a broken Moon Snail shell.  Moon Snails live here but their shells are difficult to find in one piece.  They are all up and down the Pacific Coast and in real life their slimy bits are far larger than the shell.  See here for what they look like when alive.  

 If you don't own an air plant(Tillandsia) you should.  They are super easy to take care of, just need a spraying of water about every two weeks.  And if you forget they just go dormant and can be woken up again with regular waterings.  I was watering this one this week and saw that it is about to flower!!!! This is a once in a lifetime event.  Seriously, it only blooms once.  When it's done blooming it will offshoot a baby or two and that is it.  That is why air plants are generally pretty expensive.
The bud!

 About a year ago at a thrift store, I found this empty sea urchin with what looked like a fake plant glued to it for 50 cents.  In fact, I immediately knew what it was.  A dormant air plant!  After watering it for several months it slowly reawakened.  It has a little string on the shell and is meant to hang so that it looks like a jellyfish.  Once the kitchen (only have a tiny bit left to paint in there) is finished we are going to hang it in the window as it was meant to hang, like a jellyfish with its tentacles dangling.  For now, it sits upside down on the window sill next to the other air plant arrangement.  These things love sunshine.

 And while I am showing you plants in the window I couldn't forget my 8 year old african violet.  I have no idea why it is still alive or likes me but it loves the window sill and looks fabulous in this collectible piece of 1960s Blue Mountain Pottery (bought back in 2012 for $2 at a garage sale).  This is the most blooms on it I think I have ever seen but it tends to bloom every month or two year-round.  I guess it likes being totally dried out then watered.  The good thing is because it is over the sink when it starts to look too dry by dropping a leaf I remember to water it.

Today is Easter Sunday and although not really religious (baptised Catholic non-practising) it has always been a time to gather with family.  Since we can't do that we BBQd ribs and I made a huge potato salad and we took Mom her portion last night, enough for 2 meals.  We are going over to the condo and will do some raking/spiffying up of her back patio for her and have a short visit there sitting 10 feet apart when we are done.  I am taking her some of my everbearing strawberry plants as they did really well over winter and are now set to go crazy again.

So yes, my silly plants give me some pleasure even though I've never had a green thumb.  Apparently, if you plant/water things they grow!


  1. I have never heard of an air plant - how fascinating!!! And if that African violet blooms every couple of months that could be the plant for me - although we don't have window sills over here because our windows open inwards (a real loss I feel)!

    1. I did not know that about your sills...weird. I wonder why. Maybe because we all have sliding windows that open with screens? Yes, air plants are literally unkillable

  2. There are types of orchids that have "air roots" too. don't ask me how I know(saw a movie last night,a strange film involving scriptwriting, a novel about an orchid thief, and murder and air orchids that you can harvest pollen from that's like cocaine? I said, a strange movie).

    1. Yes orchids are super neat plants but I think they need a lot more love. The only wild orchids I've ever seen were in the jungle in Costa Rica and Mexico growing like fungus here and there attaching themselves to trees. Pretty neat! What was that movie called???

    2. I have a small orchid with those crazy air roots and it sits on my windowsill over my kitchen sink. I put an ice cube in the pot once a week and it's very happy. It's been in bloom for weeks now.

  3. When I won my two airplants on eBay I was researching them online and saw them planted in sea urchins, they look amazing! Love the moon snail, too! Fancy yours flowering, you've definitely got green fingers.
    The African Violet is lovely, the little creature sitting in it is so cute. xxx

    1. I only knew they flowered because the one I found in a thrift store had a dead purple flower (I cut it off). Never seen one flower in real life. That is a little owl that has bounced out of that pot so many times it's little ears have chipped off but nothing a little black marker won't fix :)

  4. Interesting post. I love flowers. The air plant is right up my alley. I like the upside down look.

    1. I love them because I can't kill them because of neglect, they are used to it!

  5. I've never heard of air plants before either-very interesting. My green plants make me smile as well. I broke a few pieces last week when repotting, but popped them into a clear glass of water. Little shoots are coming-I gave to my daughter to have some green that can't really be killed, in her house.

    1. Don't you love that? I tried that with a cutting from a friends rosemary plant but it isn't rooting, darn.

  6. I love air plants. Don't have any right now but they're easy to find here and not expensive. My mother had one she brought back from San Diego during one of her visits. It gave her a lot of pleasure. It finally bloomed magnificently, but she was in hospital and could only see it through photos on my phone.

    1. Aw, I actually didn't know they only bloom once until I googled it as was shocked to see something resembling a sprout on it.

  7. Very neat and informative. I used to have an air plant but with traveling to and fro I can't have any plants.

    1. Yeah, leaving for many months is not great on plants but I am never gone more than 2 weeks (or I transport them to Mom's for sitting)

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Unfortunately, when I deleted the troll's message yours disappeared, too. Sorry about that!

    I've poked around your little corner of the internet to know that I'll be back here soon.

  9. I don't believe I've ever seen an air plant before. My one and only plant is a succulent that has survived, thankfully because it too seems to thrive on neglect.

    Enjoy your visit with your mom. Take care and stay well!

    1. I do like succulents too, hope to get a few for the patio where it is really hot. Thanks and you too!

  10. I have heard of air plants but never really looked for them. I think after seeing your octopus I just may have to find a couple for my kitchen window as well.

    God bless.

    1. Yeah, I saw that one and instantly thought octopus too. The other little one in the bowl is more like a little tree and hasn't grown much but the big one has gotten huge!

  11. I love African Violets but never had them because they were bad for kitties. We haven't had a kitty for years, so maybe it's time I go and get one for the house. Your air plants are so cool!

    1. Thanks, I love plants that are relatively easy to keep. I am a low maintenance person lol

  12. Oh my gosh, I love your name, Cheapchick. So fun. Great deal for the glass bowl. Very cool.
