Friday, April 10, 2020

Another Week Down

This was 3 hours of my day yesterday.  Using one of hubby's old white T-shirts and some other material and elastic Mom had I made a face mask for myself to wear when public (Buddy's only the model).  I know it won't protect me but if I am asymptomatic it could protect others including Mom.  I am making hubby one today.  The process wasn't pretty but now that I have it down I can make the second for hubby a lot quicker.  I used the pattern that Margy posted about yesterday and it worked except the pleats had to be had tacked as the little machine wouldn't sew that many layers.  

The final product
I haven't sewn on a machine since I was 9, 41 years ago but I do remember things.  Many years ago, like 10 or so, when my Mother-in-law was clearing out her house before she went into a senior facility (before she was diagnosed with alzheimers) she gave me this "as seen on tv mini sewing machine".  She obviously bought it off of some TV commercial or my Father in law did.  I kept it thinking I might use it for crafting which I don't do lol.  Anyhow, even with the great purge of objects last year I kept it with other sewing/mending materials in the closet.  I do actually mend lots of things, I just do it by hand sewing.  When I was I was in sewing in a 4-H club that my Mom led for one year.  I actually made a tank top.  So now I've made the second piece in my sewing career lol.  

I had a huge mess on the end of the table which is still there as after brunch I am going to do a much more professional job on hubby's.  For anyone who sews, this tiny machine sounds like a lawn mower and it doesn't even have reverse!!  Anyway, I just dealt with it. Mom has a 60 year sewing machine but it should be put in the bin as hasn't really worked in a long time and I am pretty sure Mom is not taking up sewing again any time soon. The Peek Freen cookies were for sanity....

And I had Buddy model it as when I was trying to show hubby he was being such a snoop so took the first picture.  

Wednesday I did go to see my friend that lost her Mom on the weekend.  We both needed it.  She lives about 5k away on a mini acreage so has a huge back yard that we sat in.  She just needed to talk so we talked for two hours.  It was so hard to not hug her but we managed it.  Unless we go on full lockdown I will do this every week or 10 days.  I get closer to people in the grocery store than we were so I don't see this as an issue. Mental health for both of us will be better for it.  If you have an opinion otherwise - keep it to yourself.  I am not breaking any rules, in fact, we've both been super careful to protect the people we love in our life.  We were probably sitting 10 feet away from each other the whole time.

As we are uncertain what is happening with our company we are being super careful with money, only spending on groceries and absolute necessities.  Our fun fund money that last year went to fishing and other things like eating out this year was spent on extra paint to finish the inside of the house and $40 worth of dirt for pots and for where our rhodos were taken out in the back yard.  I have pots ready to go for plants....some are being grown inside right now and others I am waiting to source.  This is the first week it has been warm.  I will plant the peas in the next few days.  It was plus 17 degrees Celcius yesterday but mornings are still chilly just above zero.

I bought 2 of these clay strawberry pots last year on our 24-hour bidding site (shut down until it is safe again) for $33 to start our vision of our Mexican style back yard (see this post for how grubby they were)  They go so nicely on our new patio.  Now I just need to find things to fill them up with.  I am thinking a plant spike(dracaena)  for the top of each one for a bit of drama then flowers around and strawberries and herbs in the little pockets.  

While I was outside in Mom's front driveway while waiting for her to take a shower ( I don't go inside her space, we talk outside only) I noticed her creeping Jenny is growing again.  This is often a plant that is used in planters to drape and hang down.  As I am trying to minimize how much money is spent on flowers etc this year I realized I have a totally free source of planter stuffers!  
Well, today is not a work day except around the house.  I am going to make a brunch of pancakes using some sour milk (I usually sour my milk with vinegar on purpose for pancakes but in this case we have some that's already sour) and leftover cranberry sauce and frozen berries from Christmas.  We are keeping our food waste to an absolute minimum and that's good to see.

I am out of most veggies though.  I have a grocery pickup order for Monday but they have terrible veggies there so it is mostly non veggie items.  I might run to the local store that has no line up and load up on veggies today and try out my new mask.

I spoke to my dentist about my half finished root canal and the fact that I have an abcess on that tooth that didn't go away, even with a 7 day course of antibiotic.  Unless I am in pain or I have a huge amount of swelling they are under a directive that they cannot work on me as all dentists are technically closed until June 1 unless emergency.  He explained although the abscess is gross it is not going to hurt me and to rinse with soda or salt 3 times a day.  So that is where it stands, and no, because he already took out the infected root I am not in pain.  The abscess is actually a good thing as it is still draining.  Compared to what others are going through this is minor so it is what it is.  Anyway, I felt much better after talking to him directly.  He is a good dentist and I trust him.

For anyone who observes Happy Easter and for all of you no matter what - Stay Safe!


  1. I'm glad you were able to see your friend, its so hard not being able to hug friends and family at the moment.

    1. Yes, I felt like crying just because I couldn't hug her. Same goes for my Mom.

  2. I'm glad you saw your friend- I too still abide by the rules, but tomorrow my daughter will be over and we will work in different parts of the yard. She needs some human contact dealing with depression, isolating is already a risk factor and I worry if I can't see that she is OK. . People need to still be supported and care about. I hope things work out for your business.

    1. Yes, depression is almost as bad in my opinion. We all do what we have to to get by, It will not hurt anyone else if we are all super careful

  3. That's a very cute mask on your puppy. Well done. And good on you for taking time out to visit your friend. It must be so hard for her at this time!

    1. It is, it was even harder as the day before she got her Mom's Easter card in the mail. That just brought everything to the surface again.

  4. I'm glad you're at least not in pain with the dental work that's needed. And I love how you got together with your friend. We're not allowed to do even that and I'm sure it meant so much to her to have you at least in the same backyard! We don't have a sewing machine anymore -- not that I would even remember how to use one. I learned once, did so that one time to sew hems on curtains, and have never done it again. I'm thinking of getting creative with an old T-shirt and a pair of scissors to see what I can come up with in terms of a one-piece mask including ties. Maybe by the time I finish something respectable, masks will be available for general sale.

    1. Mine was tshirt and a piece of pillowcase between so it makes 3 layers with tshirt either side. The ties might work better, hubby's was too short around the ears so I had to alter it several times. I was hoping they would be for sale but not yet, just local sewers

  5. I agree, being in the backyard several feet apart from your friend is not an issue. I was at the grocery store yesterday, and they have arrows on the floor indicating the direction people should go....apparently a lot of people can't read arrow.

    Enjoy your Easter weekend, take care and stay well!

    1. People disregard arrows, rules etc. Ignorance is abundant unfortunately. Apparently they had to warn over 500 people in Toronto parks yesterday about social distancing. You too!

  6. I'd made masks weeks before we were advised to wear them and got funny looks for wearing them. I gave my sister one as well as a very immune challenged friend. I know they are to protect others, but they have to have some protective properties for ourselves too.

    Buddy looks charming in his. I think if either of us got sick, we'd farm Teddy off for care elsewhere. I have read it can jump species and she is immune challenged. In fact our vet is only doing telephone appointments so I had to cancel ours. For her exams, we need to measure her nodes, etc. So just like people, her cancer protocol has been upset. :-(

    btw... I look at your country whenever I am out and am sad that I can't go there when I want!

  7. It was very kind of you to visit your friend and probably more appreciated than you will ever know.
    Buddy looks adorable in his mask

    1. Some of her other friends, although they love her are more freaked out about the virus and won't even go near other people. She asked if I was ok if her dogs jumped on me....of course! I love animals and know the risk is extremely low - plus she has a puppy and he is so rambunctious.

  8. Buddy models the facemask well!
    I'm on the same wavelength, I've been scrutinising cracks in the walls, gravel drives and pavements on our walks for likely plants I can liberate.
    I reckon that the reason I haven't missed charity shopping during lockdown is that I'm still getting the same thrill when I manage to procure fresh fruit & vegetables from the corner shop!
    Have a lovely, happy & productive weekend. xxx

    1. Yes, I so miss thrifting. We have savings but I want to make sure that we use as little of it as possible except on bare necessities. That creeping Jenny reproduces like crazy if you can get your hands on it

  9. Great job on your mask! I am so envious of people who know how to use a sewing machine. I wish I had learned. I've tried a few times, but I am just useless when it comes to working with fabric and I can put a knot in thread just by looking at it. lol

    1. It's been a super long time but like riding a bike once you learn you never forget (I think)

  10. Our neighbor made us masks, and i'm so grateful to have them. I love your model! And, I can't imagine how hard things are for your friend right now.

    1. She is doing ok, fortunately she has a large property that she has always fallen behind on due to maintenance but this year she has all the time in the world except her one part-time job she still has. Her BnB business died and her other part time job closed but is likely to reopen soon.

  11. I think Buddy needs his own mask too. Ya don't want him to feel left out. lolz

    1. Yeah, he was super unimpressed. He would chew it apart in 2 seconds if I took my hands off him :)

  12. You are doing a great job reusing and being creative with everything including food and masks. So glad you did spend that personal time with your friend. Good for both of you.

    Good to know that you have your dental issue more or less under control. We have a neighbour that has a broken knee cap, cracked in half and they will do nothing for him until this is all over. He is in pain but can't do anything about it.

    1. I think there are lots of people that are in the pain position, when things start up again there will be long waits for most things I am sure. I am lucky as zero pain (or unlucky as if in pain I could get it done!) but nothing anyone can do about it

  13. Your model is doing a wonderful job. I'm building wooden raised beds and have to use a mask for it so I did the bandanna not sew method but if I didn't donate all my elastic a few years back, I'd make ones similar to yours. Hi. I'm Ivy. I'm new here. Came over because I loved your name, cheapchick. So fun.
