Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Whatever Will Be Will Be

Yes, these are trying times.  It seems like the world is a bit upside down on just about everything.  Don't let it stress you. Why you ask?  Because whatever will be will be.  Nothing you do or say or scream about will make one bit of difference.  Does that mean you do nothing?

No, it doesn't.  You simply do the best you can.  You make decisions based on logic and don't let your fears screw with your life.  

Why am I blogging about this?  So many people seem to be losing their minds and it is just not necessary or worth it.  It will only upset you.  If that means you shut off the tv/social media and shut yourself away with a good book and a big glass of wine do so.  If that means buying an extra package of toilet paper then do it - but don't clear the shelf, that is just crazy talking to you.  Life is simply too short and precious to be so stressed out you can't function properly on a day to day basis.  Yes, wash your hands, use antibacterial lotion, use precautions.  

And if you are thinking right now that I couldn't possibly understand your situation, you are right, I only understand mine.  We just lost a client who was on the verge of signing a contract and due to impending doom and gloom in the economy, their company put a total spending freeze on - killing our contract. Am I going to cry about it?  Nope.  Pulling up my big girl panties and getting on with life - because whatever will be will be.  


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that your client backed out. Seems like madness rather than a justification doesn't it. And you're absolutely right. Be sensible but you really don't need to walk around with a bin liner on your head either do you!

    1. We really understand why the client backed out, nothing we can do. We've lost another potential contract and are going to be super flexible with our existing clients as expect them all to have financial troubles so there may be more losses. We are ok financially so not going to worry about it. Just have to hope that the other side of this thing is sooner rather than later.

  2. I took a course once and the instructor made this point, "10% of life is what happens to me, 90% is how I respond to it." I've held that to be true...though there are a few exceptions. We can only do what we can when life throws us a curve ball. I may not catch it as well as others might but I can chase it.

    Take care, and hope your upcoming trip is a lovely break from the crazy things going on around us.

    1. Thanks - the trip is being canceled though. I am hoping to change dates to November but we shall see if I can ever get through on the phone lines

  3. We just were mandated to work remotely for a minimum of a month. I posted today about how I'm going to try & turn that into a positive, despite some of my misgivings about how challenging it will be from a productivity perspective. No use spending time dwelling on things you can't fix!

    1. Yes, I think you can only try and do the best you can. With your lupus I think that working at home is a good idea based on circumstances, so glad you are able to do that.

  4. As I said t Anna at Random thoughts, I hope people are just kind to each other. No one planned this-there is most likely no conspiracy, but yes, the whole world is impacted. Maybe this will help get better health policy done, better understanding that we really are all humans and share this planet regardless of our nationality.

    1. Yes, definitely. A time to pull together versus divide. There has been some profiteering going on with reselling toilet paper and disinfectant here but large online selling platforms seem to be shutting it down which is wonderful (Kijiji and our local 24 hour bidding site).

  5. I’m with you. Although you might want to PULL up your big girl panties, as opposed to just PICKING them up. Or maybe that’s just me. Never mind. Do what you like with those panties. Que será será.

  6. What a sensible piece of writing.
    I'm afraid a lot of small businesses like ours will suffer over the coming weeks. I'm waiting for Boris & his cronies to cancel large gatherings and then we'll be well and truly stuffed.
    On a brighter note the flight to Greece I've been watching has been slashed by £100 so I've booked it - let's hope COVD19 will be a distant memory by September. xxx

    1. Yes all fingers and toes crossed that it is a very temporary few weeks not months. I am trying to rebook our flights to November - hopefully will get through on the phones tomorrow and not be disconnected. You may want to ramp up online selling in the mean time just in case.

  7. I need to avoid the TV news and Facebook. Both tend to do me in, but then I think I will miss something.

    1. Yeah, we are news junkies so this has been super hard to turn things off. Things are changing so much every single day.
