Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Appointments, Appointments, Appointments

I didn't mean to take a blogging break but life got in the way.  Mom has had some health issues and that has increased our time spent together.  I am just so thankful I have a job that I can do around helping her with things.  She hasn't slipped on the ice as most of our snow is already gone.  She stubbed her toe badly and could barely walk for a few days.  I then had to go out and buy bigger shoes for her as the pressure on that toe was unbearable with her current shoes and wearing slippers to the store was just not cutting it.  Thankfully even with our poor retail environment Walmart had some perfect slip on shoes for $20 in a size 1.5 sizes too big.  Now, if she encounters any more feet issues or just has swelling which sometimes occurs as we age she has the shoes for it.  Other than that we have been going to a boatload of appointments.  Sleep apnia machine appointments, chiro appointments, diabetes testing appointments, and Dr appointments.  I love hanging with Mom but so many appointments!  If normal appointments aren't bad enough on Sunday her vertigo started acting up badly.  So badly she could get out of bed for 2 days.  Apparently once you have vertigo it can reappear at any time.  Finally it let up a little so today I got her to the Dr for new medication and they requested lab tests - more appointments!  Anyway, Mom seems on the mend mostly.  Fortunately hubby flew out of town on business yesterday afternoon so I have time to deal with all of this during daytime instead of just late afternoons which is how we normally book things around our business.

Last Saturday though before her vertigo acted up we managed to get to a garage sale held by one of my favorite local charities, MARS which is an avian rescue center.  I ended up spending a whopping $3 on books but from the very large crowds there I expect they made a lot of money.  This owl had been hit by a car about five years ago and lost part of his wing so is a permanent resident at the sanctuary and acts as one of their friendly birds for events.
He is a magnificent example of a great horned owl.  Mom had one of these in the trees above her condo a few weeks ago.

Even though I have been super busy I managed a freebie today - three free boxes of chamomile tea.  They were $1 each and there was a $1 rebate through checkout 51 for each box so free!  We get so few freebies in Canada I take advantage of them where possible.

On the "out to rip parents off" front I saw this last week at the grocery store - a hollow chocolate puppy for just $8.98.  The amount of chocolate in this hollow puppy is the equivalent of 2 small chocolate bars.  All for the low price of $8.98!  To top it off one of this dogs eyes had already fallen off.  And might I add how crappy hollow bunny chocolate actually is unless made by one of the better chocolatiers.  Parents, please avoid this trap.   They think they can put cute pictures of dogs on the outside and people definitely fall for it. The chocolate dog on the inside looks scary.   Oh yeah, there was a buy maximum of 4 of this at a time at that price lol.

In other news a cougar has been spotted in our neighborhood twice this week - right where I walk Buddy.  Needless to say we are going to have more indoor playtime this week or walks away from the woods. 

And tomorrow more appointments...


  1. I am sorry about your mom. I do get the appointment after appointment thing. And it is not just the appointment but all the wait time too.
    I hope things turn around for her quickly.
    Bonus points for the inexpensive larger shoes and the free tea!

    1. You are right about the wait time. I am bringing a book or running other errands most of the time. I taught her how to text message and use a cell phone last summer so now we can communicate when her appointments are over instead of guessing.

  2. So sorry to read about all your mother's recent health issues. Glad you've been able to enjoy each other's company and hope she feels much better soon. And that chocolate dog... what a waste!

    1. I remember how crappy the chocolate was in those....and I love chocolate. These days I would rather pay more for decent treats!

  3. Glad your Mom is on the mend. I love owls. One night there were two beautiful ones on the fence opposite the back door. I've never seen them again although I hear them often.

    1. We hear them once in a while too but almost never see them. I have been wondering about you - how long did it take for you to be able to get out of your driveway after the last snow?

  4. Your poor mum, she's lucky to have you. Hope her foot heals soon and that nasty vertigo vanishes.
    I love that owl, I'd have bought all the books to help the birds! Owls have such a cat-like look about them.
    A cougar? How exciting is that? xxx

    1. Thank goodness Mom and I get along, have fun most of the time so it isn't a great hardship. I really feel for those people who have a less close relationship and have to go through the same caretaking. That would be so much tougher

  5. Oh vertigo is a bugger. I'm actually on a very long stretch of not having it and I'm thankful for that, but it comes back to haunt me every now and then since originally getting struck with it over 20 years ago. Hope mom is feeling better by now. That owl is awesome! We have great horned owls in our neighborhood, but I wish we had more to keep the squirrel population down.

    1. The bird rescue centre moved to a new location and is in the process of building a visitor centre which I can't wait to open. They do have ambassador birds at most town events though as need to constantly be fundraising (they even ask for raw meat/fish from time to time to feed all the raptors)

  6. We got another bit of snow last night, roads are ok but the car has to be cleaned off so I can take DGS to school. The many appointments do wear one out. Hope your Mom is getting better each day and that her vertigo goes away with the new meds. Its a tough one. Hugs for her too.

    1. I am just hoping now that it is March it will start to warm up - I forgot the hummingbird food out overnight and it didn't freeze so that's a good sign lol

  7. Hooe your Mom is on the mend. Beware also that now is coyote mating season and they extra cranky.

    1. I haven't seen or heard of any coyotes nearby but I am sure outside of town they are lurking. It has been a harsh winter and I think that drove the cat down to where there is less snow for food.

  8. Good to hear your mom is doing some better. I've had vertigo for several years, off and on, and I do believe the Epley method does help. I often have to use it several times but eventually it eases somewhat.

    The owl is gorgeous and it's great to know it is will be kept safe at the rescue center!

    1. This time was bad, throwing up and everything. It's not ever been that bad before but now that we have her on new meds she seems to be ok.

  9. its lovely that you are able to support your mum, hope she is getting better - vertigo is awful! I love the owl pic - we went to an owl sanctuary when we were in Alaska last year and they are just so beautiful!

    1. Their whole bird sanctuary is awesome - a whole bunch of eagles got lead poisoning nearby recently and they took all of them in and nursed those that survived the poisoning back to life. They do good work. They even take in injured deer and orphaned raccoons when necessary.

  10. Your Mom is so very fortunate to have you close by. Great deal on the tea.

    1. Thanks - I am glad I am close as she and I have a very good relationship and my sister (whom is a complete writeoff) is not capable of helping

  11. You are a good daughter, that's for sure.
    As for appointments, I've come to realize that most of them are evitable,provided we practice Moderation regarding stress and nutrition.

    1. Vertigo is unrelated to stress or nutrition although many of her other ailments are - it is an inner ear condition

  12. I am so sorry for your mom. Vertigo is the worst. I have it but mine is due to a mechanical issue. The artery that carries blood to my left ear is bendy so, just like a bent hose, it does not let enough blood to go to my ear and that triggers the vertigo. Ever since this was diagnosed I have been on a med which fastens the blood circulation and I do not get severe attacks anymore. Just light diziness usually when I roll to my right too fast in bed. This has been diagnosed by an MRI. Wishing your mom a speedy recovery.

    1. She hasn't had an MRI but they did give her meds to deal with it. It seems to rear it's ugly head at least 2 x a year making her life miserable.
