Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Military Funny

We heard from my eldest Stepson who is in the third week of Canadian Military basic training at St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec.  He completed and passed the fitness portion and they are now working on first aid training which comes easy to him as he took a course after highschool on first aid when he was contemplating becoming a fireman.  He is starting to get used to days that start at 5:00 am and end at 11:00 pm - difficult since he is not a morning person.

Apparently, they are all allowed their cell phones but only allowed to use them certain hours.  If anyone is caught using them outside of those hours all members of his unit have their cell phones confiscated - which happened in the first week.  It seems the military has a slightly different approach these days, using more peer pressure than penalizing just one individual.  The same goes for if you forget an item, you have to run back up 8  flights of stairs while the rest of your unit has to do push ups until you come back.  He said that has happened to others in his unit a couple of times.  The person who forgot the item doesn't have to do any push-ups -  major peer pressure.

He was hired to be a tank crewman and training for that won't begin until basic training is over.  His job very likely will take him as a peacekeeper to the front line in places like Afghanistan.  Scary for us, exciting for him.

He did say something which we both got a good laugh over.  His Dad and I have always kept a tidy home.  The kids were always perturbed that when they were young each weekend when they went back to their Mom's house we would do room inspections.  They had to be clean before they left.  Apparently, the military is 50 times more picky than Dad about cleanliness lol - this coming from the clean kid in the family :)


  1. The military is a whole other world!!
    Jane x

    1. It is, I don't think I could cut it but I think he will, thankfully.

  2. They never know which side of their bread is buttered on, until they leave home!! Our kids used to whine about things we made them do, but when they went to university and had to live with other people, boy did they whine about other kids' behaviour.

    1. He is the only one of the kids who every admitted to being wrong when he was younger and that dad was right (*he didn't say that until he was 21 talking about when he was 16 though)

  3. Scarey for you guys, but how exciting for him! These are memories he will always have - Good luck and continued good health to him!

    1. Yes, so far he has been to a new Province that he had never traveled too. I hope he ends up stationed some where in Europe (not Middle East) if he travels outside of Canada but he will end up wherever they send him.

  4. Wayne loved his military experience and extended his service in the States by going into the Air National Guard (affiliated with the US Air Force) as a maintenance officer. He stayed until retirement, so we get extra free health benefits for life. Pretty good because Medicare in the States only covers 80% of some services, and others not at all. - Margy

    1. He was always interested in the military, from about age 12, that and being a policeman. In Canada it is difficult to get onto the police force at a young age, they are looking for more maturity these days so this is the best bet for now. Who knows, it could be a lifetime job!

  5. Sounds like he is enjoying the military life. I guess the peer pressure is there so that the others in the unit can elbow the guy with the cell phone to discreetly tell that guy to put it away fast before his is caught and they are all penalized.

    1. Exactly - it is also about not letting your team down. You certainly cannot forget something on the battlefield. It certainly makes young men grow up quickly.

  6. I'm amazed that they're allowed a mobile phone! x

    1. So was I but I guess in this modern world they allow them to communicate with their families with their own phones.

  7. Hahaha, about the military being even more picky. Kids are great when they are grown. When they are teenagers, well not so much.

    1. He was a surly teenager, that is for sure. Around 19 he got better, now he is much more likeable. Waiting for the other 3 to get there lol.

  8. Off to a good start - 9 more weeks to go of Basic Training? It'll fly by.

    1. Yeah, he is enjoying it though. He was working out 6 days a week before he left so we knew the physical part would be ok. He doesn't seem to be complaining much so that is a good sign.
