Just back from our amazing FREE trip that I won to Whistler. In the end we still spent about $500(ferry, gas, parking and a few meals and drinks) but had several days in a fabulous spot and felt like it was a true five star holiday. No regrets on the money spent - it seems there never are when it comes to travel and we were within $10 of our allotted budget. I will do a separate post (or two) on the trip but wanted to introduce you to the newest resident of our Island Pad:
We have yet to name him but he is already making himself comfortable. A bonus is that he seems to have the same friendly temperament of our late hamster Chewy. We picked him up on the way from the ferry today, handled him lots and no bites. Now I have to go unpack, and get some rest as back to work tommorrow.
What a cutie! Hamsters are such fun!