Monday, November 20, 2017

Ugly Santa Has Left The Building!

Finally! After making a mistake in my vintage Christmas purchasing an item I did not like personally for resale last year - I couldn't unload him.  I tried selling him three times last year and no luck.  I decided to try one final time this year and then if he didn't sell I would donate him to a thrift store and call it a loss (he only cost 3 bucks so not a huge one).  Well, I listed him for the at-cost price of $3 trying to recoup my money and he got bid up to $5 and there were three people after him!

That isn't really the best part though, the lady who bought him has been married 51 years and they had the exact same one the first year her and her husband got married.  I had approximated him at being 47 years old as saw an old Mary Tyler Moore Christmas special last year where he was sitting on her work desk.  Apparently he is even older than I thought.

Over time her kids managed to mangle him and when she saw my Ugly Santa up for auction she had to have him.  He will be treasured as I treasure my other vintage Christmas goodies so he definitely went to a good place.  She likely won't call him ugly Santa though :)

Now I only buy what I can live with keeping if something I buy for resale doesn't sell.  Lesson learned.


  1. Replies
    1. No, he's not, he was just an ugly reminder of my buying mistake, buying something I did not love to resell

  2. How good Santa has found the right home.

    1. That was the best, someone who really wanted him got him

  3. I would have called him vintage Santa. I love him. Any of the hard ornaments with flock on them are very old. He looks in good shape, too.

    1. He is only ugly Santa as he wasn't to my taste and then he wouldn't sell so I grew to dislike him. He is in fantastic shape-the lady who bought him was so happy

  4. Happy trails Ugly Santa. That's a great story. :-)

    1. And don't let the door hit your flocked ass on the way out lol

  5. He's definitely not my taste, but not that bad. I'm excited to get out our holiday decorations this weekend & see what we have!

    1. That's how I felt about him but the fact I couldn't sell him made it worse.

  6. Ugly Santa! What a great story :) and a bidding war to boot! How funny is that after you couldn't unload them last year.

    1. It was a nice surprise, was so ready to donate him

  7. Ugly Santa sounds like a good film. What a sweet story, I'm glad you found him a loving home! xxx

    1. It does sound like a good film, that or a song title

  8. I remember having one in our decorations way back. Not one of mine, but something in my mother's collection. - Margy

    1. I think everyone (although they won't admit it) had one of these in various sizes at some point. The small ones are prolific but this is the only big one I've found, thought he would sell better

  9. Aw, I like the kitsch Ugly Santa and the story :) It got to the same point with me when I was reselling, I hate keeping clutter I don't like around until it sells.

    1. I stored him for a full year waiting for November to retry, thank goodness he's gone! Everything else I have is the stuff my collection is built on so ok if it sits around

  10. Nice that we will be treasured by someone.

    1. Yes, seriously I was shocked I sold him. The lady was so nice and so happy to find him

  11. $5?!? Holy crap! If you begin to miss him, we still have our "Uglier Santa." I'll sell him to you cheap!

    1. Your refashioned Santa would likely appeal to a wider audience :)
