Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Winter Walk and Favorite Things

Yesterday we accomplished one of things on our "Have more fun in 2013" list.  We took a walk in a newly discovered park.  This is what Vancouver Island looks like in winter.  It has not rained in a few days and was 3 degrees celcius so a perfect day for a bundled up walk.

The Path
Northern Flicker Woodpecker
Ivy overtaking a stump

Holly bush found in the middle of the forest

The Estuary at the end of the path
The one legged seagull (not really, he was just warming his other foot)

We burned a few calories keeping warm and walking.  We saw lots of birds and were amazed at how loud the birdsong was in the forest.  

I thought I would share with you what a minimalist asked for this Christmas:

A double-decker bird feeder (with attached suet). We are still in the process of attracting birds as there are few large trees right around the house but a quarter of a mile away there is a thick woods where they hang out. A few finches have found us, they are very shy so no photos yet.  I took this photo this morning, as you can tell there is thick fog about today. This feeder is five feet from our patio so we can sit at the dining room table and watch them.   Hubby also got me some smelly candles from Bath and Body works, my favorite.   The kids got me a gift certificate to Canadian Tire where I can buy seeds, plants and flowers to my hearts content (I asked for it).  Mom bought me a beautiful faux fur blanket to go on the bottom of our bed and some warm socks. She also found me a couple of antique/vintage bottles for my collection.

Happy Sunday!  Linking up with Claudia at Mockingbird Hill Cottage for Favorite Things.


  1. I'm loving all the beautiful pictures! I've only been out to the island once but it was incredible & one of the most gorgeous places I've ever hiked. You're so so lucky!!

    1. Yes, I am thankful every day we finally got to move here!

  2. Love the photos. These could easily be mistaken for my neck of the woods.

  3. We have a couple of birdbaths outside and get lots of entertainment watching the birds! Such free fun :)
    Judy xx

    1. A birdbath is next on the agenda. I will likely buy one in the Spring with my Gift Certificate or at a garage sale. At my Mothers house she has tons of birds, we saw California Quail the last time we were there (google them - they are funny looking) as she feeds them and her neighbor has a bird bath.

  4. It's always nice going for a walk through nature. It looks very peaceful there.

    1. Yes, it was very peaceful - every time we get in the car I see hundreds of birds, geese, ducks, eagles, herons, seagulls, finches, crows, swans, and most days deer as Comox is known for its resident deer population.

  5. I highly approve of a "Have more fun in 2013" list. Making time for outdoor walks is a wonderful habit. Taking your camera along is too. ;)

    1. We hope to do some hiking with picnics in the Spring when it gets a little warmer to stay out longer.

  6. What great photos! I'll have to stop back and ck. your inspiring blogs that you go to and see your older posts. Love your Blog title :)
    xxx Liz

  7. Lovely photos! We took a walk the other day (Scout and I) and I loved seeing winter's beauty.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week.


  8. I agree, beautiful photos! I looked up more photos of the Northern Flicker, what a stunning bird. Thank you so much for sharing. We love birds and i really enjoy learning about those where you live. I do hope you have LOTS of visitors to your feeder so we can all enjoy the photos.

    Lovely gifts. You are so lucky.

    Sft x

    1. I have another bird from that day I am trying to ID, emailed the picture to my mother. Too blurry to post on the blog as he was flitting about but I think it was a yellow warbler (mostly grey little bird with touches of yellow on his head and backside). Cheers!

  9. You had a nice walk and got some lovely gifts! Sounds like all of the things I love, too! Enjoy your week...stay warm!

    1. Really, it is not that cold (compared to our previous home in Alberta) so I feel very lucky! You have a great week too!

  10. Lovely shots on your walk! :) I love the gifts you received and 'why' you received them... wonderful and thoughtful gifts that i'm sure you'll enjoy greatly!!

    1. Yes, our family definitely asks one another what we want as gifts. Cheers!

  11. I used to live on the island and was wondering where your walk was? I miss it so much. Thank you for the lovely pictures.

    1. Mac Lang Park on Brooklyn Creek in Comox. Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Gorgeous area & photos. It hasn't rained in Seattle in days, & it's been incredibly foggy & cold.

    Sounds like you got some fabulous (and well thought out) gifts!

    1. We are on the same weather pattern as you. We had two full days of ice fog but it started raining today, luckily as hubby had a business road trip to Victoria today and I wasn't keen on him driving three hours each way in the fog.
