Monday, June 13, 2011

Busy Busy Busy & Crappy Air Canada!

No photos today, barely anytime to blog, what the heck! Life is speeding by.

This week we have been trying to help my mother-in-law move into a rental after selling her house after three years on the market. Finally a buyer who wants to live in rural Alberta. Now to move a 76 year old woman who has never rented in her entire life. Fortunately she has downsized in anticipation of this day but our weekend was spent hand holding and organizing. My local freecycle network will be the recipients of lots of goodies that she keeps cramming in my car. The big move is this weekend and by the time this is all done we will really need our holiday to Costa Rica at the end of June.

Unfortunately, Air Canada's union is threatening strike action with a midnight deadline. I was a travel agent for ten years in a previous career and I have survived several Air Canada strikes, unfortunately in this case my timing was bad. Worst case scenario we rebook in Fall....but darn it I want to take pictures with my new camera of monkeys and buy my new friend over at Happier Than A Billionaire a cocktail in appreciation of her fine writing. I want to have romantic dinners with my hubby and take fabulous photos of sunsets, and rainstorms, and fauna. I do not want to spend my week of vacation in Alberta.

Fingers and toes crossed, we will get our vacation. In the mean time we have one child to graduate from highschool and one mother-in-law to move, all in the next ten days. A simple airline strike is the least of our worries.

My Grebe bird friends(as reported in previous posts) are not yet parents, patiently taking turns (yes, the male Grebe sits on the eggs too) keeping the eggs warm. Every evening we watch shift change, hoping to spot fuzzy little birds instead of eggs. I was very worried during the last rainstorm but Grebe's are hearty birds and have glued themselves to their nest to protect their eggs. Chickens hatch in 21 days on average, Grebe's can take up to 33 days. Once hatched they carry their young on their backs. That ought to be interesting to see. We are at about 25 days and waiting.

The only recent great great bargain in the past 10 days was four litres of milk for 99 cents at Shoppers Drug Mart as it expired in four days time. Handy as I had the whole fam-damly (all six of us)over for spaghetti night to celebrate hubbys birthday and most of the milk was consumed. As I had a huge crew to feed I made an enormous pot of sauce and froze the leftovers for busy evenings to come.

It is hard to live a frugal life when life is travelling so fast. I meant to hit some grocery bargains this weekend but got caught up in hanging blinds which ultimately saved my mother-in-law some money but caused hubby and I to practice our sailer vocabulary for upcoming beach vacation (okay we swore a lot, and she learned some new words too).

Cheers and happy bargain hunting!

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